Donald Trump protests live: Huge protests against the Muslim ban fill the streets in London and around UK

Donald Trump's ban on people from seven majority Muslim countries has sparked protests across the world.

And tonight thousands are expected to march in London and across the UK, demanding his state visit to Britain be called off.

But before that, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson made a statement on the Muslim ban in the House of Commons - promising no British passport holders would be affected.

But Boris drew jeers from fellow MPs as he complained Donald Trump had been "pointlessly demonised".

We'll have live video, updates and reaction as it happens. Stay with us.

United States President Donald Trump

MPs pass motion calling for Trump's Muslim ban to be repealed

MPs have unanimously passed a motion finding Donald Trump’s Muslim ban “discriminatory, divisive and counterproductive”.

The motion also calls on the President to repeal the Executive Order.
It came after Ed Miliband was granted an emergency debate on the Muslim ban.

In a passionate speech during the debate, Mr Miliband said: “It clearly is a Muslim ban. Why do I say that? Because it was the president’s original intention.”

He added: “There is no question that these countries in their different ways are extremely dangerous places. The question is whether a blanket ban on people from these countries makes sense, and in my view it does not.”

Mr Miliband asked what sort of message the ban would send to the 1.6 billion Muslims around the world.
He said: “Will the president’s actions, and this is crucial, make the world a safer place or a more dangerous one? Now my contention is it will make the world a more dangerous place and that on its own reflects our national interest in this matter.”

Mr Miliband went on: “The only way of understanding this ban, when you look at it, is that it does represent the suspension of reason and rationality. Indeed it has perversity, discrimination and divisiveness at its heart.”
He added: “One of the most chilling things I found, and I’m sure others did as well, reading the accounts over the weekend of what has happened to individuals, frankly sounded like the actions of a tinpot dictatorship. It did not sound like what we would expect and hope for from the United States.”



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